Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Free Stuff, FAQ!!

Hey Guys, Story time!!
I love shopping! It is so fun to go out there and get cute things. They don't have to be pricey, I just enjoy it so very much.
However, I have this amazing little thing called OCD. I don't mean this in the adorable I just like it clean(although I do). I mean this in the crippling, has gotten professional help, I have scrubbed my floors dangerously slick type. I mean the I can't stop obsessing over the tiniest thing so now I have scratched my skin raw. The situation playing out on tv is too difficult to swallow, I must walk out of the room or turn it off. This room just looks too full I can't even be in it(that's a new one right there). Because of this I have decided to do away with many things, that although I love and are amazing are beginning to whittle at my mental health.
Many of these things have amazing memories, were thoughtful gifts, or are just awesome! I could take them to goodwill but that seems hurtful, so I decided to give them to people that will really want them instead! Everyday I will post as many things as I can on my Instagram, you just plop a comment if you want it, if more than a few people respond then I guess I'll number generate or something. I will then take this item to you if you are local (because I really do need reasons to leave this home) or you can pay for shipping. It must be priority because I do not have time to find a box!
Okay, if you made it this far these are some things that will go, shoes, clothing(casual, high end, and loli), cosmetics, collectible barbies, most of them Disney, purses, plushies, books, movies, limited edition items(so many!), I'm a crazy nerd that shops so you get the picture. You can keep them forever, give them to your cousin, I don't mind, but please don't take it if you will trash it, as someone else might actually love it.
Why Instagram? It seems easier and it won't constantly clog up peoples Facebook feeds. Also more organization for me.
Thank you for reading and hopefully I will have stuff you want.

PS: Rules! 

1. You have to comment (Mine, I want it, etc) to get the thing!
2. If you don't contact(dm) me in 48 hours it goes to the next person, no exceptions, 
3. In the event something is popular(over 10 wants very quickly) it becomes a raffle. Do not double
comment to get more chances, I will check and you will be removed.
4. Shipping is paid by you, again in 48 hours no exceptions. It's free no I am not paying.
5. Don't be greedy, if you don't want it do not comment. If I catch you selling some of the rare stuff I'm giving out I will find you and make your life hell!!
6. I have the right to not give you something it's my stuff i decided in the end if you get it or not. Granted if you paid for shipping it's totally yours, no take backesies 

**everything that is not new will be laundered and sanitized, everything you take is at your own risk. You can't sue me if you choke on a Barbie Shoe.