Friday, January 20, 2012

Running errands today, updated

So simple look for the rain and 57d weather.

surprised look so it's easier to see

E: sugarpill; after party, tako, bulletproof
Mac: gel liner
benefit: bad gal mascara 

Update later on what I got while I was out!

I got this really cute hat at the new lola by BCBG store on bay street!! They don't have a full website yet, and as far as I know there are only 5 or so stores, but if there is one near you, check it out, It's basically a classier f2, much better quality but still great prices. This hat was originally $19 but I got in on sale for $6 

Also some actual Lolita!

A lucky pack from BPN! So stay tunned for that post later on.


  1. Did you see and hear about the tea party for Valenties Day?
    Angelic Pretty Released ticket sales for their Valentine's Tea Party.

    "Tea Party Location: Secret Garden Tea House
    721 Lincoln Way, San Francisco, CA 94122

    Tea Party Date & Time: 02/12/12 2:00PM ~ 5:00PM

    Tea Party Ticket requirement:
    First 35 customers who purchase $60 or more instore/online Angelic Pretty items,
    will qualify to purchase the Angelic Pretty Valentine Tea Party ticket for $25."

    Buy yours now before they sell out:

  2. i tried site would not load for me, kept crashing, gonna have to do it tomorrow after work. hope they dont sell out :(
