Friday, May 17, 2013

Give AWAY!! Riri Woo for FREEEEEE - and tiny review

 Since I am lipstick obsessed I normally buy back ups for limited edition lipsticks. The reason being that I know that when I test it if I love it, by the time I get back around to the store it will be sold out. Then I'll cry and have to run around to 15 other stores or have my friends stalk their stores. So much unnecessary drama. The flip side of the coin is; sometimes I dislike the lipstick, but others might love it so I pop it in my kit or give it to a friend  Other times... I hate it, think it shouldn't live, and I return it. I try my best not to rerun LE items because most stores wont resell it. They have to toss it even if it's brand new and untouched.

So lucky you that stubbled upon this fairly new blog. I ordere 2 RIRI WOOS and I am not a fan

1- It is practically identical to Ruby Woo. The color isn't unique enough to be worth the struggle.
2-  The packaging isn't even special. The stick has her signature but it will fade as you use it. :(
3- OMG IT IS DRRRRYYY. When you put it on it pulls something horrible. My lips were preped and moisturized and it still was a pain.
4 - It's so dry that you have to dig into it to apply with a brush. I don't like putting reds straight on to my face because my skin is light and tends to stain. I use a lip brush for accuracy and it was just impossible to achieve more than a light stain.
5 - It dries you out so have that lip balm ready

I do love that once it is on the texture is velvety. Retro Matt is a great finish formula, but for some reason it was just bad on this particular product. The color is darling but again ruby woo is just very similar. It is very pigmented and has great color coverage though!

So here it goes! I'm using Rafflecopter since I've never given anything away so lets see how it goes. I also started reusing my Facebook so I added that to a way to earn points. Its pretty barren at the moment but keep a look out.

If this goes well I have tons of other LE BUs that need new loving homes so stay tuned,

PS: I went to the MAC Marilyn Seminar today so a post soon. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. My fave finish is matt, especially for red, but I love a bit of gloss.
    I was dying to get a hold of this and im gutted I missed out, so fingers crossed :)

    (also this is veryyyy lovely of you)

    1. Yes matt is very pretty and just looks so classy. I truly wish i could love this product more.

      I figured ebay/pp fees make it not worth to sell, and returning it just seems lik a waste. Good luck!

  2. I hate it when I buy something that is so hyped up and then it just sucks. Always happens to me with mascaras.

    1. It drains your life force really. That happend to me with the bad gal mascara. Everyone loves it but it just didn't do it for me.

  3. I was so excited about Lady Gaga's viva glam lipsitck, it took me forever to get my hands on it but once I did...I looked a little bit hookerish. I just cannot pull of the shade of pink that it is. So disappointing!

    Oh and my favourite finish is velvety matte, it looks so good!

    1. Those creamy pinks are tuff to pull off. I am sure it looked great on you, you're so pretty. Yes it's ah huge bummer especially when you go out of your way, above and beyond to get it. The "all that for this?" felling.

  4. My favorite finish is a matte finish even though I completely agree about the drying aspect. I love how classic it looks.

    I was really excited about Candy Yum Yum! Total flop :/ had to return it :(

  5. I was excited for Après Chic Collection (it was my chance to buy Stero Rose). I love the frost finish.
