Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day 7- 10 people that inspire you

Wow that one is hard. 

I can maybe name two or three, Not because I don't have Lolita idols that inspire me but because even though i think they are awesome I never actively try to do something because I see a celeb or person doing it. It is rare that I run into a Lolita that I do not like in some way. Let's just say I am easily pleased but hard to impress (got that one from my friend David). So on to the People!!

I do know for a fact that. AATP designer Miki Nohmoto is number one. Although she has great style it is not so much that that inspires me. It is the fact that she begun as a simple shop girl and took her dreams to a new level. She worked hard and is now the head designer. Not too shabby. 

That's all for now, update soon on the winter lucky packs we got. My very first time not using a shoping service since I live in San Fran now.

<3 Andi

1 comment :

  1. Oh hey, look at you, updating your blog! x3
